Since I learned about Facebook Ads in 2014, I have also heard about Boost Posts. I’ve had seminar learning instructions and read articles about not doing boost posts because it is the worst way of doing ads on Facebook.
So, imagine the moment when I decided to try doing a boost post.
People close to me say that I am a fast mover; if you tell me to do something, I am going to do it. (if it is within my moral bounds and I am not going to die.) And so it goes when you tell me not to do or try something; I am not going to do it because you recommended me not to.
Yet, I am enrolled in Nina Mendoza’s Facebook Masters, where she is teaching me and the rest of a small bunch of crazy people how to do Facebook Ads. (I call them crazy because they are CRAZY enough to learn this thing. If you’re not into Math like I am, you’d understand.) One of her first modules is to do a boost post.
Oh yeah, so off I go to do it.
I tried boosting the survey question that I posted on The Joy and Ann Show Facebook Page. My objective was to find out what topics would our followers love us to talk to in the show.
I worked on followers in the Philippines, Singapore, and United Arab Emirates. I ran the boost post for 1 day for P40.00
After 12 hours, I paused the campaign with these results:
1. 2 reactions
2. 3 comments
3. 166 reach (organic and paid)
I spent P27.04 in the boost post.
Why did I do that? I observed the following:
- I did not put any image on my post. I think I should have created a Canva image to support the survey question. It could have gotten more traction.
- In relation to #1, I only got 2 reactions and 3 comments, way below what I was expecting to get.
With these lessons at hand, I decided to do another boost post.
Stay tuned to this site to find out what will happen on my next boost post experience.
You may be wondering: is boost post really bad? Check this post.
What are the types of posts that you should boost? Check this post.
Nina Mendoza’s Facebook Masters is already closed until, well, I don’t know. Want to be the first to know when it will be open again? Visit this site.
But never lose hope! Jomar Hilario’s Facebook Ads training is always open! I heard you could also learn Instagram Ads. Cool, right? Sign up here.