
How to use Chikka

There is no doubt that the Philippines is the texting capital of the world. I am assuming that Chikka Messenger has something to do with it. My younger brother and my friends have been using this to send SMS to me if they don’t have prepaid loads anymore. And it’s a good way to connect […]
June 16, 2010


There is no doubt that the Philippines is the texting capital of the world. I am assuming that Chikka Messenger has something to do with it. My younger brother and my friends have been using this to send SMS to me if they don’t have prepaid loads anymore. And it’s a good way to connect to friends.

If you’re one person who wants to be connected to family and friends 24/7, here’s a Chikka Messenger guide for you.

[scribd id=65156055 key=key-2grpukx5p5t8d0wyiway mode=slideshow]

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1 Comment

  1. vatrainingann

    To all non-Filipinos reading this blog – the word “chika” has a lot of meaning in our country. It could be 1) a woman or 2) a joke or 3) a small and short huddle for quick gossip.

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