After quite some time, I was able to make a post on my VA blog. I got so caught up with my running blog that I forgot about this.
I also nurtured some fears about being a VA. Then one day, upon reading my mentor’s email as he asked how I was (of course it was not only me; he asked a lot of his students in VA seminars that he conducted), I realized I have made fear my best friend.
Why am I afraid of making money?
And with that, I let go of fear and embraced change.
And boy, success hugged me too!
And so I am going to blog here again, to remember that I don’t know fear anymore, especially when it comes to increasing my income.
I have a lot of work to do; days before opening this blog, I learned that the VA outputs that I uploaded here through Scribd was gone. I found out that due to inactivity, my Scribd account was deleted. I did not know I said goodbye to them.
But I am positive about re-uploading them all over again. It would also mean I would get to review my WordPress knowledge.
Yes, I am back – now more fearless.