Last Saturday, I had my Midyear Planning Session with the attendees of the Planning Workshop that I did last January. (It’s part of their freebie for attending the workshop.)
Everyone was so happy as they shared their wins for the first six months of 2020. With this pandemic, having big and small wins are little pieces of heaven here on earth.
When I conducted the Planning Workshop last January, we were facing a volcano who seemed to be inconsolable. But my attendees planned their year anyway. (I planned my 2020 a few months earlier, thus the idea of the workshop became a fruit.)
In midyear planning, we are facing something that we cannot see. Yet, my attendees and I courageously planned the next six months. (In the photo are my midyear plans that I wrote while they were also writing theirs. My midyear plans are written on my 2020 Passion Planner.)

Why do I continue to plan even if I know that anything can happen anytime?
Because I recognize that my life is important and I have to live it.