There is a lesson on how to become a better person at the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8).
The lesson comes from no one else but God.
First thing first: Let’s clear who was “immaculately conceived”. It was Mary’s conception (through her mom, St. Anne) that we celebrate every December 8. It’s not Jesus’ conception through His mom, Mary. (And please, it is not Mary’s birthday; get a grip.)
I’m not talking about dogmas here. Go check it for yourself. Nevertheless, read the first paragraph again.
God began with the end in mind. His goals: Salvation for everyone. So when He executed His plans, every tiny detail was considered, every alternative worked out.
Based on this Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “begin with the end in mind” means having a clear vision of the goal so you can make things happen. Your focus is in the goal. You start working on the goal. You prepare because of your goal. You improve in the process. You never stop until you get to the goal.
If Stephen Covey says, “Your most important work is always ahead of you, never behind you,” then should we be focusing having clarity and vision knowing that God is ahead, behind, and even at our side?
Indeed, God makes thing simple.