
My 6-year old self can beat me into Marketing.

Jomar concluded his 2-part series on “Are You Smarter in Marketing  than a Six-Year Old?’ last night. Boy, I was dumbfounded. My 6-year old self can really beat me into marketing. Here are my learning posts from last night’s webinar.         To my 6-year old me: please let me amend my ways […]
June 3, 2014

Jomar concluded his 2-part series on “Are You Smarter in Marketing  than a Six-Year Old?’ last night.

Boy, I was dumbfounded. My 6-year old self can really beat me into marketing.

Here are my learning posts from last night’s webinar.


The game is Marketing.

The game is Marketing.


The secret of financial success is marketing mindset.

The secret of financial success is marketing mindset.


How honest are we on our life on earth? We say life is short. But we live life like it's in our hands.

How honest are we on our life on earth? We say life is short. But we live life like it’s in our hands.


To my 6-year old me: please let me amend my ways (some of them).

Click on this link to watch the webinar replay here: http://jhilario.com/betterthan6yearoldpart2webinar

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