Based on Jomar’s VA 202 seminar, at least four hours can be dedicated to creating Facebook ads, creating a landing page, a thank you page, and preparing the ads in the Power Editor. Those who attended the seminar will be promoting his “How to Become a Virtual Assistant Seminar” through the Facebook ads.
So before setting those mentioned, I decided to think about the persona for the ad. Who will I talk to?
I spent time listing down the possible and specific personas. Then, using my copywriting skills, I wrote some headlines that could help me when I prepare the ad visual.
I think it is important to spend time choosing the people to talk to so that the Facebook ad will get the specific audience it is intended to get. From there, I would be able to find the target audience in Facebook’s Power Editor, as well as align the theme of the landing page, thank you page, and even the e-mails that I will be giving them.
From the persona exercises that I did, I decided that my first ad will be for employed parents, further specified to first-time parents who had to leave their child (baby or toddler) to their parents or nannies.
After the parent persona, I will try the college students persona. This is because I have been approached by parents now and then if their children (who are studying in college) can also start earning from the Internet by becoming a virtual assistant. Parents would either say that his child is underloaded or he was not able to enroll. Both have lots of time at their hand and want to become productive.
Well, let’s see where this study will lead to!