To be honest, I am still in the process of recovering from spent energy when I joined the Work from Home Booth Volunteers during last week’s Wealth Summit. But it was all worth it because I got to bond with my co-booth volunteers, rub shoulders with the speakers and The Feast personalities, and learn from some of the Wealth Summit talks.
Jomar gave us instructions on how to invite people to the Work from Home booth. He brought his two pieces of mobile whiteboard and provided us with messages: two for those who are interested to work from home as virtual assistants (the programs offered are VA Summit 2015 and VA 202) and two for business persons who would like to increase their sales online using Facebook ads (the current strategy discussed for the Marketing Success Formula). Since the time we joked about the messages as “A/B testing of Facebook Ads”, we never stopped using the Facebook Ad terms.
So to recap the wonderful two-day experience, here is how ads are run – outside Facebook.
This is our booth [both serving as an AD CAMPAIGN and a LANDING PAGE]. We wanted the Wealth Summit participants to come here and talk to us how to become a virtual assistant [AD SET 1] or increase their business’ sales online [AD SET 2].
Here are the messages [FACEBOOK ADS] for work from home and business person campaigns.
We tested the first messages [FACEBOOK ADS] in the morning by holding the other part of the mobile whiteboard [AD SCHEDULING]. In the afternoon, we flipped the mobile whiteboard to test the other messages [A/B TESTING].

We even created a third message for the virtual assistant target audience after we heard the talk of broadcaster Karen Davila.
The 700 participants of the Wealth Summit were our AUDIENCE. Every time they go out of the venue for a break, they see our messages [REACH].
The participants who looked at our messages got amused, looked twice, asked us questions and yes, saw how pretty we are [CLICK THROUGH RATE].
We booth volunteers (who were holding the messages) then accompanied the participants who asked questions to our booth [LANDING PAGE] so they can leave their contact number, e-mail address or even their calling card in a sheet of paper that we provided [E-MAIL LIST].
We then tell them to wait for an email about the details of the program they signed up for plus we handed over Jomar’s calling card if they have not picked one [THANK YOU PAGE].
For day 2 of the Wealth Summit, we repeated the messages that worked during the first day and used it for the entire day [ROTATING ADS].
Here is the result of our campaigns:
1. Virtual Assistant – 30+ emails [LEADS]
2. Business Persons – 20+ emails [LEADS]
3. Thirteen (13) Wealth Summit participants paid down payment for their chosen program [SALES] (Thanks to Ralph Christian Solomon for correcting this)
Indeed, nothing beats learning with your friends around.
The best ka sa connection, Ann! 😉
Hahaha! Salamat!