A former office mate (and still a friend) asked me a question via Facebook Messenger.
Don’t you miss your office mates?
See my response in my screenshot (together with the comments that I got from other virtual assistant friends).
Now, before you glare at me and scream “How ungrateful!”, “What a loner!”, or worse, “Mewling quim!” , let me explain.
As you saw by now in my response, I said, “Sometimes yes. Most of the time no.”
Let’s break it down:
I forged working relationships with the best mentors. I am forever grateful for their wonderful lessons that they gave to me.
I met exceptional people who became my friends until now. I am happy for their successes. And I hope they are happy for me, too.
I miss spending time with them. That’s why I try my best to catch up stories with them in any way possible.
I do not miss the times that I had to deal with toxic people. They are present in any office.
I do not miss the times when I had to be pitted or compared with someone else because that’s not the way it was supposed to be.
I do not miss the times when I heard office politics news because there was nothing else to talk about.
I’d rather be alone than be with others who sulk in sour graping and endure office politics. Honestly, there’s gotta be more to life than that.
I hope I set things straight and clear.