
Success in Lacking Sleep – Are You Sure About That?

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People who lacked sleep used to impress me, too. Until I tried lacking sleep.
June 3, 2020

People who lacked sleep used to impress me, too.

I did it for a few months years back – staying up until 1 or 2 in the morning. I had success in what I did but it also gave me irregular heartbeats. For someone who is hypothyroid due to operation, lack of sleep is a no. I had to learn the hard way.

Good thing it was temporary. After re-instating back the good old healthy habits, good God, my heartbeat was back to normal. (The not-so-good thing that happened was I would doubt if my heart’s really beating normally. I got paranoid.)

This is not belittling the successes of those who came before us, who almost never slept so their business can stay afloat. Or for their employees to continue to have jobs. 

You can do success and sleep. 

Ask yourself: What is your definition of success?

Once you are clear on that, do your best on your waking hours to achieve it.

Then, go hit the bed with the right amount of sleep so you can repeat your success cycle.

Because if my success (which the world would give many definitions) would compensate my health, I’m taking the bed.

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