I wrote this comment for a veteran Internet Marketing Guru when he posted an open and honest question. This person (hint: He invented the tracking pixels) was looking forward to stepping up his presence online.
I hope you could also find nuggets here.
MARKETING GURUS: This is your chance to humiliate me. I’ve been stepping up my game lately. This is just the beginning. I want your advice on how to step it up even more.
– Better PR
– Better offers
– Better Social
– Broader reach
– Better copywriting
– Better public speaking
– Better whatever the f&#!
Be brutally honest
– skin: thick af
– ego: in check
– mind: wide open
I read some of the responses here and I know you’ve found gold. I hope to tell you my six cents. But first, I want to share with you this story:
When 2019 started, I told myself I need to step up my social media presence. I feel that people know me as a mentor to people who to become online professionals, but other people don’t know that I am a social media strategist, too.
So I tried putting up content on my chosen social media platforms for a month.
After attending Project Persuasion (where I got the chance to meet you), I learned one of these things:
Being intentional.
I realized that I allowed myself to feel down because I thought things are going to be uphill just right after posting content on social for a month. Talk about an impatient farmer.
So in the next few weeks after “going dark”, I made everything in my brand clear.
I want to teach. That’s the clear thing on my mind. What do I want to teach? Facebook marketing and mastermind-related topics (getting goals done).
I launched my podcast last month. With Andrew S. Kaplan’s help and an idea from Josh Rimmington’s 2-minute episodes, I told myself I don’t need an hour-long show to teach social media marketing.
If I watch a YouTube video, I share it with my thoughts or how I took action after watching that video.
I love Marvel Cinematic Universe. I share anything from that universe – from a big marketing idea to the slightest Motivation Monday.
I recently recorded a video because I put on a make up. Hahaha. Some people said my make up was too far off. But I didn’t care. The teacher in me has flaws.
With this story unfolding, here are my six cents for you:
1. What is your intention?
2. If you think you are not getting what you want from the content you are releasing, just chill. Like what you said, “This is just the beginning.”
3. Review the content you have so far. Check which topics generated much engagement for you. Stick to those topics.
4. I am sticking to what I said on your previous question post: re-purpose your content. From video to blog (Medium, LinkedIn) to book, video to YouTube and Instagram (I love IGTV), video to social media posts.
5. Step up on your PR. Prime Influencers helped me with this last year through written articles. This year, Karla Singson told me to increase my podcast guestings from ten to twenty. I am working with Mary Anne Dela Cruz to make this a reality. They are my gems.
6. If you get to reach more people and find value in what you say, they will be the ones who will ask you, “Have you got any book/course/membership? Here’s my money.”