by Ann Kristine A. Peñaredondo | Apr 11, 2016 | Exceptional Social
In social media, the most engaging posts (that is, the one that gets interactions such as likes, retweets, shares and comments) are the ones with visuals. I have been fortunate to learn this as a social media manager. Indeed, a social media post with visuals gets more...
by Ann Kristine A. Peñaredondo | Dec 16, 2015 | Life and Marketing Lessons
I was on a break from my 2016 planning yesterday when a teachable moment happened. My 78-year-old dad (I call him Papa) sat down with us in the dining table to ask about social media. My Papa is one who never tired of learning (he reads everyday). He also asks...
by Ann Kristine A. Peñaredondo | Jul 7, 2015 | Exceptional Social
I am using Buffer as an auto-posting tool since this year. I am so glad to be a Buffer user because not only it spells AUTOMATION, it also has exceptional articles ready for you to share to your chosen social media platform. Recently, after much careful thought, I...